Rodney is a versatile comedian, corporate impostor, and comic hoax speaker renowned for his extensive repertoire of over 350 characters, each with unique accents and dialects spanning hundreds of professions. With a career spanning over three decades, Rodney has performed more than 3,500 live comedy shows globally, including over 30 international tours to countries such as the UK, the US, India, Malaysia, and New Zealand.
Since becoming a full-time comedian in 1991, Rodney has specialised in delivering fake keynote speeches disguised as humorous expert talks at conferences, conventions, seminars, awards nights, and other business events. His comedic performances have earned him numerous awards and accolades for their laugh-out-loud entertainment value.
Rodney holds degrees from UNE, AGSM @ UNSW Business School, and Harvard University, adding an academic twist to his comedic prowess and faux expertise.